“Dream then Do!” Blog

“El Diablo” is a menacing 100-foot high ride at Six Flags in Arlington, Texas. A few summers ago, I rode
“I want the nuggets combo and an extra chicken sandwich!” a 10-year-old yells from the back seat. “Are you sure
He came into my office that Fall day wearing a flannel shirt and holding his cowboy hat in his hand.
“Only one man has a right to boast and that’s the man that never does” (Evan Esar). My grandfather Manuel
Secret Service agents that cover and protect the President of the United States as he travels have to be able
Cats get a bad rap when it comes to being thought of as scared all the time. It’s true that
I have always been a goal girl. Goals motivate me! I get mixed reactions from people when they find out
As a walk-on athlete, I had something to prove. After all, making the Sam Houston State University softball team was
Imagine that every morning your bank credits your account with $86,400. Every night, you lose any balance that is not