S² - for your inspiration and guidance

A monthly personal note from ONE Way CEO and Founder, Mike Riggs, for those that desire more success and satisfaction (S²) in their personal and professional life. Each S² Note offers quick insight and brief commentary to help you achieve your potential and better handle life’s curves and swerves.


Franklin D. Roosevelt told us, "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."

So what does this mean for you?

S² people – those bathing in success and satisfaction - spend less time trying to pack their pockets and bank accounts. Instead, they strive to stuff their hearts and minds with intangibles that cannot be deposited.



When you have to make a choice and don't make it, realize that it is, in itself, a choice.

So what does this mean for you?

An S² person – one living a successful and fully satisfying life- makes choices. They realize that there are times when those choices will be difficult, but they have trained themselves to make them anyway. Not choosing is never an option.


Stay Sharp

Comfort enters your house, first as a guest, then becomes the host. Finally, comfort becomes your master gleefully choking all your big dreams and bold desires.

So what does this mean for you?

If you look at your most successful stretches in life, you’ll most likely find that they were the times when you were least comfortable and were put out on the edge to be creative, work hard, and get things done.

S² people - those experiencing tremendous success and satisfaction in their lives - know that in order to stay sharp, they must avoid getting soft by the excessive comfort brought into their lives.


Don't Stop

An S² person – one who perseveres to attain success and satisfaction in her life – understands that the actual preparation and training may be even more vital than the contest itself. She realizes that as long as she works hard to prepare, she can rest afterward, knowing that she gave her very best.

So what does this mean for you?

Don’t stop when things get tough. Most people hesitate - often refusing to move forward - when faced with something daunting or difficult.


Be Nice

In a faster and more hurried world, it’s easy to get sucked into a command mindset and simply fail to be nice to each other. Stipulations such as, ‘I want it now’ and ‘Give me more’ are not nurtured in the garden of kindness.

So what does this mean for you?

Successful and satisfied (S²) people make the effort to be kind. They know the ripple effect of a compliment and realize the joy that is felt with a simple word or act of benevolence.


Reignite Your Curiosity

S² people– those experiencing plentiful success and satisfaction in their lives – love to learn. Every experience, interaction and conversation is a chance to learn. They act like a child endlessly asking, “Why?”

So what does this mean for you?

Become a kid again and reignite your curiosity.


Live in Truth

Successful and satisfied (S²) people– those experiencing bountiful joy and success in their lives – look into the mirror daily. No, they’re not obsessed with their own great looks. Instead, their gaze is designed to scrutinize their ways and means. They live in truth and realize that making life better requires, firstly, a truthful change of self.

So what does this mean for you?

Look in the mirror. Do you like what you see?


No Fear

Fear can be a nasty thing. Successful and satisfied people (S²) reaching their full potential embrace and invite situations that have unknown – and yes, scary – outcomes. Then, they focus their energy on doing their best and enjoy the ride. Fear of failure simply doesn’t exist.

So what does this mean for you?

We all have the opportunity to see situations either as opportunities to succeed or as a chance to fail. What do you see?


Embrace Risk

S² people – those that know tremendous success and satisfaction in their lives – are risky. No, they’re not stupid with their decisions, but they embrace risk. They also realize that caring too much about what others think is the greatest risk of all.

So what does this mean for you?

Next time you find yourself paralyzed by the opinions of others, lift up your chin and set your eyes outward, then just move forward without care of what others think. After all, this is your life, not theirs!


Controlled Change

Change is a very, very good component to a successful and satisfying (S²) life. However, effective change management is the key to having the change enhance one’s life or being a curse upon it. Planned and controlled change is invigorating. Random and out-of-control change is chaos. A life of chaos is neither one of success nor satisfaction.

So what does this mean for you?

Manage your change. Don’t let it manage you.


Changing Habits

The thought of change, large or small, is enough to make most men and women shudder. Simply put, people don’t like to change. Not so with S² people – those familiar with tremendous life success and satisfaction.

So what does this mean for you?

Do yourself a favor today. Uncover a few habits that are holding you back from living a truly happy and successful life. Once uncovered, pick just one habit a month and commit to working diligently to change it. Often the simplest change can have the most profound effect on the quality of your life.


Live Your Purpose

Most people merely turn off their alarm clocks each morning and go through their day without a purpose beyond “get the job done.”  S² people – those experiencing extreme success and satisfaction each and every day – are not most people.

So what does this mean for you?

Having a deeper purpose for your day that envelopes your activity will give your actions and interactions real meaning and substance. At the start of your day, on a post-it note, write the purpose of that day. Then, do your best to live that purpose with each person you meet, each task you complete, and each word you speak.


Learn from Failure

In life, sport, and business, failure is as certain as the sun rising in the East. S² people – those whose lives are graced with success and satisfaction – know this fact. They realize that, more often than not, they will not hit their target nor reach their goal. Armed with that knowledge, it is those that choose to see failure as a critical part of the success process that continue to learn and grow.

So what does this mean for you?

To reach your potential, find angles and applicable knowledge in all your failures.


Build Up Those Around You

An S² person – one that is overflowing with success and satisfaction in her life – is a master at building other people up. Knowing that her supporting cast will play a significant role in her life’s success and satisfaction, she is a booster for their confidence always seeking an opportunity to make them feel better and more capable.

So what does this mean for you?

It’s pretty simple, build the people around you up; don’t tear them down.

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Very few, if any, highly successful people have "made it" on their own. An S² person - one that is regularly experiencing personal best levels of success and satisfaction in his life - knows this fact quite well. One of their best kept secrets is they sought out a mentor to guide and support them early in their developmental years... someone that was capable and willing to nurture them and help them grow.

So what does this mean for you?

Seeking and partnering with a superb mentor may be the single most valuable choice you can make to accelerate your personal, spiritual or professional growth.

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Golden Key

Often, it is not the magnificent or marvelous that gives you the competitive advantage. In truth, it is often the boring and mundane elements, once discovered, that offer the most significant gain. An S² person - one that is experiencing extraordinary levels of success and satisfaction in his life – realizes it is the meticulous search and identification of that boring element that gives him the edge.

So what does this mean for you?

Stay diligent when your search becomes boring, for that next tiny detail may be the golden key you’ve been looking for.

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Poor Me

Today, estimate how many times you complain or gripe, either to someone else or to yourself, about the problems that exist in your life. Be ready to be absolutely amazed at the total gripe count. The real problem is not that we have problems. Everyone does. The real problem is that, too often, instead of setting a course to isolate, analyze, and solve our problems we continue to bemoan our state of affairs.

So what does this mean for you?

All S² people – those that are big-time successful and satisfied with their life – don’t waste emotional energy worrying and complaining about things that aren’t going their way. So, quit your griping and start doing the things necessary to make a better life for yourself.

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Just Go

Often, when considering a new project, we paralyze ourselves by analyzing, testing, considering, then reconsidering and analyzing again, only to find out that we are too late to pull the trigger.

So what does this mean for you?

The real excitement of life lies in its uncertainty, right? All S² people – those that are truly successful and satisfied with their life’s direction – know this fact quite well. If we always knew the outcomes of our endeavors, in advance, wouldn’t we eventually become so very bored? So, do your best to determine the right choice, then just hit the start button, put your hands in the air, and enjoy the ride!

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Never Quit

When all around you seems to be crumbling, the desire to throw your hands in the air and admit defeat can be very, very powerful. There are times when we all feel like quitting and proclaiming that our foe, either real or imagined, has soundly defeated us.

So what does this mean for you?

S² people – those that are truly successful and satisfied with their life’s direction – know they simply cannot, and will not, quit. It is at the critical moment where they aren’t certain they have one more step left in them that they push on – realizing they are defining not just their future, but more importantly they are forging their character.

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Take Control

Deep inside, all people want to feel a sense of control. Control over their finances. Control over their relationships. Control over their minds and hearts. Control over their careers. Control over their lives. S² people know this fact.

So what does this mean for you?

The simple truth is this: if you do not take control of your life, someone else will. And, that person probably won't have your best interests in mind.

Decide today -- right now -- that you will take control of your destiny. Tell yourself, "This is my life, and I will shape it the way I see fit."

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Cheer Life's Struggles

S² people – those that are successful and satisfied - do not fret about the troubles that arrive at their doorstep day after day after day. S² people realize that these ogres are actually opportunities in disguise.

So what does this mean for you?

If it were not for the turbulence and resistance in your life you wouldn’t have the opportunity to fabricate your skills and character into a work of art. Cheer the struggles of your life, for they are the catalyst that gives meaning to the brush strokes that make your incredible life.

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Your Purpose

The mental, physical and spiritual power each of us possesses is nothing short of remarkable. However, that power is wasted when not harnessed and focused upon achieving a successful and satisfied (S²) life.

So what does this mean for you?

Stop the scatter! Focus your energy on something that really excites you and will help fulfill a purpose in your life.

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Internal Happiness

S² people - those that are truly successful and satisfied with their lives - understand the importance of following their hearts.

So what does this mean for you?

Are you authentically living the life you desire or are you playing the game and trying to keep everyone around you happy? While being generous and giving is an essential component of living an S² life, always working to keep others happy - at your own expense - will eventually lead to personal collapse.

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Get Better

The knee-jerk reaction for most people, when faced with criticism, is to dig in and prepare for battle. But, not so with S² people - those that are truly successful and satisfied with their lives. Those that are truly successful and satisfied (S²) have developed another response; they react to criticism as an invitation to improve and get better.

So what does this mean for you?

Learn to see criticism as your personal tutor and interpret all evaluations as your one-way avenue to improvement.

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Embrace Fear

S² people – those truly successful and satisfied with their lives – embrace fear as a necessary component of growth and progress. They know that if they aren’t shaking in their boots periodically, they clearly aren't stretching themselves enough.

So what does this mean for you?

Put yourself out on the edge. Take some risk. Get out of the comfort zone that has become your life.

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For an S² person experiencing tremendous success and satisfaction, her imagination is the parent of all that she accomplishes. From space travel to autonomous lawnmowers to ballpoint pens - each was born inside someone with a great imagination that asked, “Hmmm, what if…?”

So what does this mean for you?

If you want to jumpstart your personal or professional life or pull yourself out of a deep and predictable rut, start with a thorough investigation of your imagination, or lack thereof. Imagine the possibilities!

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Narrow Your Focus

One of the attributes of highly successful and satisfied (S²) people is they have developed the ability to focus their resources on one target at a time.

So what does this mean for you?

Let go of the "multi-tasking" myth that only results in half-finished projects and a long list of loose ends.

If you’re frustrated ‘cause you keep falling short or wide of your targets, make sure you only have one object in your scope.

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An S² person – one that is highly successful and extremely satisfied with his life – knows that without a solid plan, the odds of arrival at the desired location are slim.

So what does this mean for you?

Make a plan. Then execute the plan like it really matters.

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No Place for Blame

In the life of an S² person – one highly successful and extremely satisfied with her life’s pursuits – blame is a foreign concept.

So what does this mean for you?

Certainly, we all have unfortunate situations that happen to, or upon, us. But, for those that are on the path of purpose and those that are destined to make a difference in the world, these situations do not grow into self-pity parties. If you really want to make a difference with your life, put down your Kleenex box, stand up, and start getting things done.

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Plan Your "Wow"

An S² person – one that is highly successful and extremely satisfied with his life’s pursuits – lives a life of paradox. In one light he is very pleased with his accomplishments, knowing that he is living a life of dedication and purpose. But, in another light he is always looking for the next mountain to climb, knowing that he must keep climbing or risk falling backward into an uncontrollable tumble.

So what does this mean for you?

If you have achieved all that you have planned for your life, you have not planned enough. Live in the “now”, but keep planning your next “wow”!

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Know Your Why

An S² person – one that is highly successful and extremely satisfied with his life’s pursuits – knows the value of the question, “Why?” He knows that at the core of all worthwhile pursuits is an inner drive, a passion, a burning desire to fulfill.

So what does this mean for you?

Whether it is setting sail to prove that the world is actually round, growing a genuine and loving family that lives and laughs together, or turning a tiny hot dog stand into a multinational symbol of taste and quality, your “why” is the fire that keeps you going.

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Small Steps

An S² person – one that is achieving incredible levels of success and satisfaction in her life – is a “big picture” person. But, she also knows the importance of taking small steps in order to achieve great things. Often, people become paralyzed by the sheer scope and magnitude of challenges that face them. The mountain appears so big that it causes them to look away, stand still, walk away, or in many cases, run away in sheer panic.

So what does this mean for you?

All great accomplishments are the result of small steps taken with resolve, focus, and yes, a bit of fear. The key is mustering the courage to take your first step… then let momentum become your friend.

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Welcome Failure

Failure is a part of life. All S² people – those that are achieving magnificent levels of success and satisfaction in their lives – fully understand this reality. They also embrace the fact that without a steady dose of failure they won’t learn and grow. Through this realization, they learn to embrace, almost invite failure as a teacher and giver.

So what does this mean for you?

The moment you let avoiding failure become your motivator, you’re down the path of mediocrity. If you see yourself as extraordinary, embrace failure as a ‘must have’ in order to achieve great things.

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Make an Impact

An S² person – one that is achieving incredible levels of success and satisfaction in his life – is driven by the passion and core belief that what he is doing has a significantly deeper meaning and purpose than just mundane actions and reactions to random daily events. He sees his life as an opportunity to chisel his mark on the marble block of history.

So what does this mean for you?

Believe that you have been placed on earth to make an impact, leave a legacy, and truly make a difference. Fight off the magnetic pull of being run-of-the-mill and begin each day anew with your flame blue-hot ready to make a difference.

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Embrace Challenge

Not very often, in all theatres of life, is the path straight and narrow. An S² person – one that is achieving amazing levels of success and satisfaction in his life – realizes and embraces this truth. Life itself is a continuous zig-zag path of trial and tribulation. There is no straight line to grand accomplishment and eternal bliss.

So what does this mean for you?

The key to making the zigs and zags worthwhile is embracing that each zig and zag has been sent to help build your character. Don’t curse challenges; embrace them.


An S² person – one that is achieving exciting levels of success and satisfaction in her life – is a lot like a duck. Say what? She knows that she is imperfect in thought and action. But, she accepts herself and smiles at her best efforts. When she fails, she offers herself forgiveness… like water off a duck’s back.

So what does this mean for you?

Often, people think of the power to forgive as something that is directed outward to others. However, forgiveness must first start with the ability to forgive oneself. Don’t hold grudges toward yourself.

Give Yourself

An S² person – one soaking in success and satisfaction in life – recognizes that he doesn’t have to be rich to be generous. On the contrary, he just needs a heart that is filled with the gleeful willingness to give.

So what does this mean for you?

During this Christmas and holiday season make a special effort to give of yourself to others. You don’t have to buy big or expensive presents or make grand or magnificent gestures, instead make it part of your daily routine just to share a heart of generosity and do the little things that make other people smile.

Shifting Gears

An S² person – one that is able to reach amazing levels of success and satisfaction in his life – uses more “gears” than the average person. The point here isn’t really about whether you have a 10, 20, or 100-speed bike. The point is whether you are open-minded and receptive to finding out how many gears you have and are willing to use them.

So what does this mean for you?

Average people live their lives head down, pedaling along, laboring in the only gear they know - afraid to shift. S² people enjoy shifting the gears of their lives and grin at the exciting unpredictability that accompanies each shift. Follow the sage advice of the late, great Freddie Mercury of Queen, “Get on your bike and ride”.

Embrace Criticism

An S² person – one that is experiencing exciting levels of success and satisfaction in her life – is not devastated by critical feedback. In actuality, she sees criticism, not as a blow to her ego, but instead as an opportunity to become more effective and efficient.

So what does this mean for you?

It is only through change that the ineffective becomes effective and the failure is redirected toward success. If you are hypersensitive to criticism, you’d better develop a thicker skin.

Saying No

An S² person – one that knows the joys of success and satisfaction in his life – is not afraid to say “no”. He realizes that in order to fulfill his personal and professional purpose he must stay true to his course – his Ways. Often, this means saying “no” to people and events that do not fit into his plan. This, in turn, allows him the time and supplies him with the momentum to forge ahead toward greater success and satisfaction in his life.

So what does this mean for you?

Toughness is not being a bully. It's having a backbone. If you really seek greater success and satisfaction in your life, you’d better get tough and put the word “no” into your vocabulary.

Choose Happiness

Are you choosing to be happy? Or, are you choosing to be sad? It’s that simple, and S² people – those enjoying heaps of success and satisfaction in their lives – know this fundamental truth.

So what does this mean for you?

Life is willing and able to throw lots of garbage your way. But, choosing to smile and be happy - regardless of circumstance - precedes all success and satisfaction. Being happy begets more happiness. Caution: the opposite is true, too.

I'm Sorry

An S² person – one experiencing great success and satisfaction in his life – is not afraid to say, “Sorry, I was wrong.” This learned skill clearly displays his understanding that he is not perfect – and never will be.

So what does this mean for you?

Quit trying to defend yourself and your righteousness at every turn. When you mess up, admit it and say, “I’m sorry.” You’ll be amazed how these two simple words will help you achieve greater success and satisfaction in your life.

No Regrets

An S² person – one enjoying great success and satisfaction in her life – lives life to the fullest. This means that she is adept at planning for her dream future and puts in the effort to make the dream come true. She knows that regrets are rooted in the knowledge that all was not done to ensure success.

So what does this mean for you?

Plan for the future, but live life in the present making sure you are doing all you can to make your ideal future come true. No excuses. No regrets.

Support Team

An S² person – one skipping through life enjoying great success and satisfaction in his life – understands the importance of “team.” While there are certain times to buckle down and get the job done on your own, do not underestimate the need to surround yourself with like-minded winners to help you with your quests.

So what does this mean for you?

The synergy realized through authentic giving and receiving is a key ingredient to becoming S². So, if you find yourself being purely a solo flyer, try reaching out to others to make your life both more successful and more fulfilling.

Look Ahead

An S² person – one that is experiencing authentic success and satisfaction in his life – lives life like he drives his car. As he buzzes down the highway of life he has trained himself to look high and wide out the windshield to get a good view of where he is going; seeing what obstacles and opportunities are approaching.

So what does this mean for you?

The individual that is stuck in the past with his mind glued to the rear-view mirror, or one who lives only in the present cruisin’ along jammin’ to the radio unaware of what is approaching, will soon find himself eating the backend of a truck. Ouch! Make it a habit to look out at where you are going.

You Can Do It!

An S² person – one that is tasting sweet success and satisfaction in her life – is much like the Little Train that kept chugging up the mountain, little by little, one turn of the wheel at a time, keeping her thoughts only on “I think I can, I think I can.”

So what does this mean for you?

Often, success comes in very small, almost unnoticeable, increments. Those giant leaps and bounds are saved for Hollywood screenplays. Your small, deliberate, and persistent steps s-l-o-w-l-y become great successes.

Letting Go

An S² person – one that greets success and satisfaction with a daily smile – knows both the philosophical and practical benefits of refusing to hold on to negative thoughts and emotions. The mind, body, and spirit that harbors negative emotions become a breeding ground for sickness and illness.

So what does this mean for you?

Each day you hold on to anger, fear, regret, guilt, and the like is another day that the grip of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness slips away. Let go of the past!


Do you remember the pessimistic Lilliputian character from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels famous for the phrase, “We’re never going to make it.” He was not an S² person – one whose life is overflowing with success and satisfaction. S² people know the simple truth that achievement is, first and foremost, being optimistic and opportunity-minded. If you think something can’t come to fruition, you are probably right.

So what does this mean for you?

Don’t let the times you tried and failed take over your perspective on the future. Reset. Start thinking that things will be different and better.

Stick With It

An S² person – one that is riding the wave of enormous success and satisfaction in her life – knows the value of analysis, then commitment. Making decisions that will significantly impact her life are not taken lightly. She makes the time to determine the course of action that will give her the greatest odds of success. Additionally, she knows that once her mind has been made up, she must move forward with stern resolve – and continue with vigor when the going gets tough.

So what does this mean for you?

When faced with a tough situation and decision, do your homework and analyze the cost/benefit of each decision. Then, make your decision and go full-steam-ahead. But, you must be willing to stick with your decision through thick and thin.


An S² person – one enjoying amazing success and satisfaction in his life – understands the importance of dreams. No, I am not talking about those fantastical events that happen while in deep slumber. I am talking about those phenomenally grandiose ideas that grab you by the heart and scream, “You must do this!” Dreams, and the process of dream-realization, are the fuel of life. S² people realize that without dreams life becomes mundane and “just another day of the same ol’ stuff.”

So what does this mean for you?

Go back to your childhood when you had big dreams of what you could accomplish in life. Then - no matter what anybody else says - let those dreams come alive again in your life. You won’t regret it.

Come Alive

Would you like to become an S² person and begin to realize colossal successes and satisfaction in your life? If so, your first move may be to step out of the soft and fluffy comfort zone you have created for yourself and take a few risks. No, you don’t have to cash out your 401k and start a scuba diving company in the Bahamas, but it may be time to add some pepper sauce to your life.

So what does this mean for you?

Take a personal survey of your propensity to take risks. If you are living in the “risk-free zone”, it would serve you well to break out and take your mask off. A delicious life is seasoned with the unknown. Risk is living. Come alive!

Get Your Hands Dirty

An S² person – one that is experiencing wondrous success and satisfaction in his life – is writing his life story, daily. While he may never put his life into autobiographical print, he is conscious of making sure his life is worthy of such an endeavor. If written, would anyone want to invest the time to read your autobiography?

So what does this mean for you?

Stop trying to avoid the minutia of life. After all, the little things are what life is actually made of. Start enjoying getting your hands dirty.

Your Life Story

An S² person – one that is experiencing wondrous success and satisfaction in his life – is writing his life story, daily. While he may never put his life into autobiographical print, he is conscious of making sure his life is worthy of such an endeavor. If written, would anyone want to invest the time to read your autobiography?

So what does this mean for you?

While climbing Mt. Everest, becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or receiving the National Mom of the Year Award may not be your goal, creating a life story full of fun, challenge, and interest should be.

Pleasing Others

An S² person – one that is blessed with success and satisfaction beyond measure – realizes that trying to please everyone will most certainly leave him very displeased. Being kind, generous, and genuinely concerned about the needs of others is admirable and necessary to living an extraordinary life, however, seeking to please others, at your own expense, is not a wise strategy. This approach will leave you uncertain and wavering; questioning your own reasons and purpose.

So what does this mean for you?

Find your own core purpose and motivations in life, then behave in ways that align with those essentials. But, don’t forgo all that is important to you for the sake of making other people happy.

Get Moving

An S² person – one very familiar with success and satisfaction in his life – is keenly aware that danger and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. He realizes that in all danger is an inherent risk and that the only way to become S² is to embrace the risk and take advantage of the opportunity.

So what does this mean for you?

Sitting and waiting for the “sure thing” to find its way into your life is a sure-fire way to get a sore bottom. Get going!

Your Authentic Self

An S² person – one that is authentically living with success and satisfaction in his life – is continuously refining the person that he is. Not so that he can gloat and say, “Hey, look at Mr. Wonderful.” Instead, he is always working to become his most authentic and genuine self so that life itself will be a place of comfort and peace.

So what does this mean for you?

Do not pursue success. Instead, make your inner self a place that success will come to nest.

Don't Do It Alone

An S² person – one that is authentically living with abundant success and satisfaction in her life – knows that the journey is not traveled alone. Each step of the way she is assisted by people she can trust to help her find her potential. These people have been intentionally brought into her life to be cheerleaders, accountability partners, and mentors that help to create an S² support system.

So what does this mean for you?

If you aren’t actively creating a group of friends and colleagues that are impressive, not impressed by you, you should be. Your quality is reflected by the quality of the people you surround yourself with.

Serious-Minded Friends

An S² person – one that is experiencing plentiful success and satisfaction in his life – is always on the recruiting trail. He realizes that S² people are exceptional at living in environments of character-based people to learn, gain and grow from.

So what does this mean for you?

Sure, having silly and goofy people in your life can add much-needed humor, but befriending people of character adds quality that surpasses a good laugh. Make some serious-minded friends.


An S² person – one whose levels of personal success and satisfaction seems to set mark after mark – relishes in his ability to listen… and say nothing. He realizes that true wisdom is often displayed in what is not said. He simply doesn’t feel the need to fill the airwaves with blah blah blah.

So what does this mean for you?

The next time you feel like telling the world of your knowledge, wisdom, and insight, don’t. Instead, touch your lips together and listen.

Be Now & Be Great

An S² person – one that seems to be a magnet for success and satisfaction – makes sure that even daily minutia is taken on with intensity and passion. When he realizes that he is going through the motions, he gives himself a quick pep talk and refocuses on “being now and great.”

So what does this mean for you?

Don’t wait for the thrill of the grandiose to inspire you. Instead, bring internal inspiration to the insignificant.

Precious Time

An  person - one with abundant success and satisfaction in his life – is very, very aware of the value of time. He knows that time is at the center of all happenings. He continuously strives to simplify his life, ridding himself of the things that simply don’t matter and are just a waste of his precious time. 

So what does this mean for you?

Actually, it’s quite simple – cut out of your life the things that don’t bring value. Too often we are pulled in so many directions and commit to things that provide no return on our time investment. Ask yourself, “If I had one month to live, what activities would I fill my time with?”

Be Yourself

An S² person - one that is encountering abundant success and satisfaction in her life – is true to her core. She knows who she is and who she isn’t. She knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. She knows what she likes and what she dislikes. And, she is true to what she is. There is no falsehood in her being.

So what does this mean for you?

Figure out who you are. Then, be yourself. Stop worrying or trying to please others - you just need to make sure that you are pleasing to yourself and are true to your core values and beliefs.

Success Takes Work

An S² person - one that is relishing in fanciful success and satisfaction in her life – knows that all the best things in life are the result of choosing to work through problems and obstacles; not pretending they don’t exist, looking away and hoping for a better tomorrow.

So what does this mean for you?

At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold – really. But, finding the end of that rainbow takes work. Realize that built into all life’s struggles are character-building effort. There is no shortcut to the pot of gold.

Appreciate Your Blessings

An S² person - one that is enjoying unbelievable success and satisfaction in his life – knows that the appreciation and recognition of the many blessings in his life are what holds the actual value.
So what does this mean for you?
Don’t take things for granted. Even the smallest blessing has inherent magnificent value. But, you must first recognize it. If you don’t see the value, it won’t bless your life.

Beta mode - Continuous Growth

S² people - those experiencing incredible success and satisfaction in life – are in continuous “beta mode”, meaning they are in a stage of continuous growth and development. They are always working and trying to improve and get better. Beta is not a stage; it is a state. 
So what does this mean for you?
If you’re waiting to arrive at that perfect place in your life, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time. Instead, commit to getting better and realize each attempt is just that - an attempt to improve upon the one before it. Go beta! 

Smile at Adversity

An S² person - one that is experiencing terrific success and satisfaction in her life – has developed the ability to smile at adversity. Is she unaware of the doom that may loom? Of course not. But in spite of hardship, she realizes that how she reacts to difficulty is most important. The width of her smile will undermine the depth of her trouble.
So what does this mean for you?
Recognize that adversity is part of life. And when, not if, it shows up at your front door make sure that you greet it with a smile.

Face Your Problems Now

An S² person - one that is experiencing tremendous success and satisfaction in his life - knows that he must remove pebbles from his shoes before they cause blisters. Let's face it, we all have small problems that arise regularly in our lives. But if those snags, or "pebbles in our shoes", are left to fester, they will grow into much bigger problems.  
So what does this mean for you?
Avoiding an issue or problem doesn't make it go away. Instead, it will grow larger and larger until you've got a big problem on your hands. When you notice a small problem in your life, address it swiftly before it becomes a crisis.  

Be Present

S² people - those experiencing extreme success and satisfaction in their lives - know that the sweet spot of life is experienced when they are completely absorbed in an activity of true passion. That absorption, in turn, rewards them with a time warp that slows everything down and presents them with the most precious element that life has to offer - presence. 
So what does this mean for you?
Live in the now. Too often - and we're all guilty of it - we spend our time either thinking about something that has already happened or something that is yet to happen. We very seldom find ourselves being right here, right now, totally present with what is happening in our lives. So, let the past be the past, let the future be the future, and totally absorb yourself in just this moment in time. That, is where life is.

Take Risk

S² people - those enjoying peak levels of success and satisfaction in their lives - know that life will have stretches of smooth road interspersed with periodic potholes. Do you? They also realize that it's during those pothole periods that their character is tested and their future is shaped. Do you?
So what does this mean for you?
It is easy to have a smile on your face and a song in your heart when all is well -- anyone can do that. It's during times of trouble and tribulation that S² people really shine because they commit to staying positive and energetic. Don't expect life to be easy and flowing all of the time. Instead, buckle up when trouble surfaces and tell yourself that you won't get dragged into the muck. 

Shine Bright. Stay Positive.

S² people - those that are experiencing wondrous success and satisfaction in their life - are always willing to take the risk to make a fantastic future. They realize that they must embrace risk to find the financial, emotional, and spiritual security they desire. An S² person is keenly aware of the paradox that comfort-seekers are actually reducing their overall security by trying to be so secure. The only way to learn how to fly is to go the edge, spread your wings, and jump. 
So what does this mean for you?
Take some risk. If you don't, tomorrow will be much like it is today. If you want more in your life you'll have to step out of your comfort zone and try something that makes your hair stand up and your heart pound. Go get some real thrill in your life. 

Remain Curious

The brain is wired to be curious and creative. S² people - those experiencing high levels of success and satisfaction in their lives - commit to being continuously curious and find creative outlets and solutions to the daily challenges they face. Unfortunately, as people grow up and "mature" they stifle or deny their natural curiosity, and creativity seems to diminish.
So what does this mean for you?
Rekindle and feed your curiosity and creativity by making it a new habit to ask "Why is it done that way?" or "How could that be different in order to be better?" Live and thrive in the realm of "Why?" When you stop just taking things for granted your brain will be happier and you will be amazed at how many opportunities and creative solutions will show up in your life and work.

Adapt & Emerge

What interesting times in which we find ourselves. I found myself waking up today feeling like I was caught between a dream and reality. I think you know what I mean. And what I was left with was, "it is what it is and I must adapt."
Adaptation is the single element that allows living things to survive. For those that don't adapt to the challenges of their surroundings or circumstances, they just fade away and someone that can adapt will fill their role and survive.
So what does this mean for you?
It's simple. Despite the muck we may find ourselves in, find the good, the positive, the joy, the love and get it in your head that you will adapt and emerge - with others - from this tunnel better, stronger and more capable. Together.