Copy Cat

Feature Article

Copy Cat

by Michael Riggs

Most, if not all, of what you need to reach your playing potential has already been created, marketed, and is readily available to you. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel… just get it rolling along.

Great players know how to make the best use of their time and resources. Players on the fast track to reaching their potential become masters at using other people’s ideas and techniques and simply incorporating them into their games. As a matter of pure time availability, it would be impossible to personally experiment and figure out everything you need to know about proper equipment, effective diet and nutrition, course management, and swing mechanics. Great players are great copy cats.

With the sheer volume of excellent print material and the information available on the Web bringing instant access to amazing amounts of great ideas, most of what you need to become is at your fingertips.

Are you looking for proper swing technique or a fix for your frustrating slice?

It’s all available to you to read and see how others – the best in the world – are doing it. Unless you have unlimited free time to go to the range and try, retry, and retry again to fix your swing, you need to learn to find answers by simply copying what others are doing.

Do you become sluggish and lacking energy to get you through the round, or are you wondering how to manage your mental game on dangerous par 3’s?

Acquire the information you need and simply overlay what others have researched and proven to be effective and copy it!  Copying a proven technique isn’t cheating… it’s smart.

One of the most amazing technologies to swift, easy, and effective change is the use of video for swing analysis and improvement.  Now, your swing coach can show you what a professional player is doing – so you can copy it. If a PGA or LPGA player has developed a swing that they use and trust to pay their bills, then why not use it too?

While it is honorable to want to “pave your own road”, too often a player’s pride gets in the way of rapid improvement. Some players will refuse to copy a successful technique, only to spend countless hours trying to “do it their own way.” Are these players courageous and pioneering? Or, are they silly and overly prideful?

S² Tip

To quicken your improvement become a great copy cat and use the knowledge, sweat, and strain of those before you.

Success Story

Congrats to Auburn’s Dan Stringfellow on his 3rd place finish in the 2011 Illinois Amateur Championship. ONE Way to go!

 In Another’s Words…

“A golfer’s diet: live on greens as much as possible” – Chi Chi Rodriquez